Am 15.02.2012 22:52, schrieb Sergiu Ivanov:
Monads are among fundamental things in Haskell; for example, they
allow describing imperative programming in a purely functional way.

That's more of a historic accident. "Monadic I/O" is just the label that happened to be slapped onto one of three competing I/O library frameworks in Haskell. And monads aren't fundamental for Haskell; Monad is just an Abstract Data Type that happens to be useful in many contexts, one of them being the description of imperative programs. Well, okay, they are pervasive and have supporting syntactic sugar, so it's about the same significance as, say, Float: you could do without it, some things would be just a little bit more awkward to express.
At least that's my current understanding of the situation in Haskell :-)

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