> What we have now is very limited, and the way that it's done will not
> work.  We have two kinds of parsers in SymPy right now.  There's
> sympify(), which parses an expression in Python grammar and converts
> unknown variables into Symbols, literals into corresponding SymPy
> types (like 1 to Integer(1)) and operations into corresponding SymPy
> operations (like 1/2 to Rational(1, 2)).  This only works with
> expressions in Python notation (we allow ^ for exponentiation, but
> that only works by replacing all instances of ^ with ** before doing
> any parsing).
> Then we have some very limited parsers for things like mathematica and
> maxima.  These are almost completely useless.  Aside from not really
> implementing very much, the problem is that they use regular
> expressions.  But regular expressions do not work for parsing, because
> the expressions that we are parsing are in a higher grammar.  Namely,
> it's impossible to do things like parenthesis matching with regular
> expressions.

> What is really needed is a parser, that goes through an expression,
> and builds a syntax tree out of it.  What you need to do is build
> something that is modular enough that you can easily plug in new rules
> to it (like "integrate expr dx" => integrate(expr, x), or "x y" ->
> x*y).
This looks interesting. I recently did a course on finite automata and I 
I can use the things I learnt. I need to read up on parsing though. 

Also, I think that we can only support basic implementations of functions 
by this
method. I mean the functions have to have maximum of 2 to 3 arguments. 
Otherwise it 
will be highly inefficient to type things after one another with a space. 
This would mean 
that the new parser will only be helpful in implementing the web interface 
and not sympy 
in general.  

> By the way, on a slightly related note, here are some other things to
> think about doing as far as heuristics go. First, automatic spelling
> correction, so if I type "intergate x^2 dx", it gives me automatically
> "integrate(x**2, x) == x**3/3", with a message saying "did you mean
> "integrate x^2 dx" with "integrate" underlined (like happens when you
> do a Google search).  Second, automatic correction of mismatched
> parentheses, so if I type "sin(x*(x + 1)", it automatically guesses
> that I meant "sin(x*(x + 1))" (WolframAlpha does this).  Obviously,
> these would both be limited functionality, and are not required for
> the project, but they would be neat and useful to have.
I think it will be easy to implement the above features if I parse using a 
syntax tree. 

> >>
> >> >
> >> > 2) An incremental search for functions in symPy
> >> > Its very important for a person to get to know the particular function
> >> > he
> >> > wants to use. This will be implemented using ajax calls to the sphinx
> >> > documentation database.This will be similar to search in scilab /
> >> > mathematica.
> >>
> >> Additionally, there should be links throughout the interface to the
> >> relevant Sphinx documentation for the various functions used (similar
> >> to in WolframAlpha).
> >>
> >> >
> >> > 3) A lyx/ Mathematica styled input.
> >> > This greedily converts the expressions into latex symbols, so that the
> >> > user
> >> > knows what he is actually computing. We can also add a set of symbols
> >> > for
> >> > summation, integrals, differentiation as a bottom bar. The input will
> >> > look
> >> > like latex input to the user, while we convert the expressions into
> >> > required
> >> > symPy functions in the backend.
> >>
> >> How did you plan to implement this?  For now, the way that I know to
> >> do it is to first compute the whole expression to SymPy, then call
> >> latex() on it, and parse the latex with MathJax.  That is what happens
> >> at SymPy Live.  It sounds like you want something that lets you type
> >> LaTeX styled math on the fly, which basically amounts to an equation
> >> editor.
> >
> > I was thinking something like http://www.texrendr.com/.
> >>
> >> >
> >> > 4)Matplotlib for plotting
> >> > We plot the expressions, if it is plottable just as Wolphram Alpha by
> >> > default.
> >>
> >> The app engine now supports numpy, so this should be doable (I hope).
> >> Our matplotlib plotting engine is still in its infant stages (for now,
> >> it only lives at https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/673), but it
> >> should grow.  Hopefully we will get another project that will improve
> >> it.  You could also spend some time of this project working on it,
> >> though obviously it would be better if most of the time were spent
> >> doing the other things.
> >
> >
> > Looks like I have to go with svgfig on this. The discussion at
> > (
> http://old.nabble.com/Pure-python-matplotlib-for-Google-App-Engine-td32721389.html
>  )
> > says that a lot of c++ code has to be rewritten in python. I can write a
> > backend for svgfig.
> >>
> >> >
> >> > 5)Ipython like notebook.
> >> > I think it is possible to port the Ipython notebook according to this
> >> >
> >> > discussion(
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/sage-notebook/re2bUt4vCxA
> ).
> >> > But the time it takes to port is not very fixed. I want to know 
> whether
> >> > I am
> >> > overreaching by including it.
> >>
> >> Even without the notebook, we should use IPython itself in SymPy Live
> >> (http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=2645), if that's
> >> possible.  That will give us things like better tab completion and
> >> access to IPython magic. My idea is that you should be able to click
> >> on a SymPy Gamma calculation and just get a little SymPy Live session,
> >> so the two projects are related.
> >
> > I will figure out whether this is possible.
> You could just do what WolframAlpha does.  There, you can't click on
> parts of the expression, but there are little links at the bottom for
> each of the relevant parts to their docs.
> Aaron Meurer
> >>
> >> >
> >> > 5) Make the interface look beautiful with twitter bootstrap.
> >>
> >> +1.  I don't know anything about this specific library, but a
> >> beautiful, highly functional interface is almost as important as good
> >> functionality.
> >>
> >> Aaron Meurer
> >
> > --
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