Hi all,

Sorry for not reacting sooner (and happy new year by the way :)

The text describing my project is exact, however most of the side
projects that were mentioned are not merged. I will try to continue
working on them when the current tensor module by pernici is merged.

Concerning the comment by David Joyner, the full name of @pernici is
Mario Pernici IIRC.

I will also see what is missing about my report and fix it.

On 3 January 2013 04:41, Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It looks good.  I've made some edits cleaning up some stuff and
> correcting things. You've got a tendency to write extra words in your
> sentences that don't add to the content, so I've trimmed some stuff
> down a bit.  I've got a feeling Google might even want us to trim it
> down more, as they don't want it too long.  I edited it on my
> computer, and also rewrapped some of the text, so if you are looking
> at the diff, you might want to use the git version and use git diff
> --color-words.
> I'll wait a bit to give the students and mentors a chance to check on
> what is written for their own projects, and also so that we hopefully
> will have all the reports written.  I especially hope that someone can
> look over what is written for Angadh, Guru, and Stefan.  I've CCed the
> relevant people
> I put my name at the bottom, as these things are usually written by
> the org admin for the organization, but I also added "SymPy
> community," since most of it was written by you guys.
> By the way, if someone wants to add Wikipedia links for some of the
> key technical terms, that might be helpful.
> Aaron Meurer
> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Sergiu Ivanov <sergiu.v.iva...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 02, 2013 at 10:34:14AM -0500, David Joyner wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Sergiu Ivanov
>>> <sergiu.v.iva...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I have just finished the beta-draft of our GSoC-2012 blog post:
>>> >
>>> >   https://github.com/sympy/sympy/wiki/GSoC-2012-Blog-Post
>>> >
>>> > I invite everyone to take a look at this text and to add or correct
>>> > things at will.  I didn't really have the possibility to follow the
>>> Regarding Aleksandar Makelov's project, I would like some way of
>>> acknowledging the huge amount of work Chris Smith did. I noted 2 threads
>>> on merging A.M.'s code into sympy that each had 70+ emails. Also,
>>> "pernici" helped a lot (and I apologize for forgetting his real name),
>>> as did several others.
>> I'm not sure how including such information is compatible with the
>> overall image of a GSoC organisation blog post.  The point of the
>> post, as I see it, is to put forward the contributions of the
>> students, the new members of the community, while keeping the huge
>> help of mentors in mind, but not necessarily on paper.  If we state
>> that certain community members helped Aleksandar a lot, it may look
>> like he was the only student to require much support.  On the other
>> hand, making a similar statement in the presentation of every student
>> will feel redundant.  My final argument is that one does non see such
>> mentions in the 2011 blog post [0].
>> I do not insist on this position, however, and if there is going to be
>> another person supporting your opinion, I will add the necessary
>> phrases to the text.
>> Sergiu
>> [0] http://google-opensource.blogspot.fr/2011/12/students-add-to-sympy.html

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