Em 22-01-2013 15:43, Aaron Meurer escreveu:
Cool.  Does mathjax printing work in the notebook (i.e., %load_ext

I am trying to learn and document the new features of SymPy 0.7.2 using IPython 0.13.1 on MeeGo Harmattan OS <http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1315683&postcount=13>.

What is the recommended way to, inside IPython Qt Console or IPython Notebook, load SymPy with nice printing and online plots (form PyLab) ?

For example, this sequence works :
In [1]: %pylab inline
In [2]: %load_ext sympy.interactive.ipythonprinting
In [3]: from sympy.interactive import init_session
In [4]: init_session()
Is there another easy way ?

And using X Terminal ? I see that "$ ipython qtconsole --pylab=inline --profile=sympy" uses an old sympyprinting and doesn't give correct inline plots.

Also, nice printing has some problems with long results without line breaking :
In [5]: integrate(sin(x)**20,x)
gives a result that doesn't fit the windows in Qt console.

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