Em 22-01-2013 22:23, Aaron Meurer escreveu:
On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Roberto Colistete Jr.
<roberto.colist...@gmail.com> wrote:

     Thanks, so I think it is better :

In [1]: %pylab inline
In [2]: from sympy.interactive import *
In [3]: init_session()

or, with simpler initialization (no symbols, etc) :

In [1]: %pylab inline
In [2]: from sympy import *
In [3]: init_printing()

I know that PyLab and SymPy contexts are mixed, e.g, pylab.plot is
overwritten by sympy.plotting.plot.

Sorry, I was wrong. After the code above, there is pylab.plot and plot (from SymPy). They are overwritten if we do a "from pylab import *" and "from sympy import *", of course.

If you enable pylab using the IPython API, you can avoid importing
numpy and all that other stuff.  Do

ip = get_ipython()
ip.enable_pylab(gui='inline', import_all=False)

    Thanks for the tip. But importing numpy is fast, even in smartphones.

As far as I tested, for the moment, the simplest way to open IPython Notebook with PyLab and then SymPy with inline plots and pretty printing, is to call :
$ ipython notebook --pylab=inline --profile=sympy
The user can create a script or even a icon launcher (e.g., in /usr/share/applications/ipnb-pylab-sympy.desktop).

Obviously, it would be nice to have something like "% sympy inline" to start SymPy in interactive mode and online plots.

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