It's not clear to me what problem your proposal is intending to solve.
In what way is it different from the current evalf algorithm/results?


On Wed, 11 Mar 2020 at 22:48, Shubham thorat <> wrote:
> This is how I have divided the tasks:
> The algorithm is defined in this paper: 
>  Error Calculation on sampling points
> Find the best-accepted level of precision so we calculate the actual 
> correctly up to 64 bits by increasing the precision until we get constant up 
> to 64 bits.
> Calculate the value using float( hardware precision).
> Compare real and float value by calculating E(x,y) = log(2,z),  z = number of 
> floating-point between real and approximate answers.
> averaging these differences over the sampling to see how accurate the 
> expression is.
> Pick Candidate
> Pick candidates (subexpression) from the table and apply error calculation as 
> well as a local error at each location on the sampled points.
> the database will have a set of rewrite rules like commutativity, 
> associativity, distributivity, (x + y) = (x**2 - y**2)/(x - y), (x - y) = 
> (x**3 - y**3)/(x**2 + y**2 + x*y), x = exp(log( x )) etc..
> Recursive- rewrite
> Rewrite candidates using the database of rules and simplify to cancel terms.
> Recursively repeat the algorithm on the best subexpression.
> Series Expansion
> Finding the series expansion of expressions to remove error near 0 and 
> infinity.
> Candidate Tree
> Only keep those candidates that give the best accuracy on at least one 
> location.
> On every iteration of the outer loop, the algorithm chooses the program from 
> the table and uses it to find new candidates, every program is used once.
> Candidate programs are also saved as a pair of maps that are tied with the 
> location that they are best at.
> removing candidates if more than one candidate is giving the same results 
> based on their results at other locations.
> Before the series approximation step, we will use the set cover approximation 
> algorithm to prune candidates to have a minimal set.
>  Get Piecewise solutions
> Split is found using dynamic programming and later refined using binary 
> search.
> These are the functions:
> Definition-main(program) :
> points := sample-inputs(program)
> exacts := evaluate-exact(program, points)
> table := make-candidate-table(simplify(program))
> repeat N times
>     candidate:= pick-candidate(table)
>     locations := sort-by-local-error(all-locations(candidate))
>     locations.take(M )
>     rewritten := recursive-rewrite(candidate, locations)
>     new-candidates := simplify-each(rewritten)
>     table.add(new-candidates)
>     approximated := series-expansion(candidate, locations)
>     table.add(approximated)
> return infer-regimes(table).as-program
> Definition local-error(expr, points) :
> for point ∈ points :
>     args := evaluate-exact(expr.children)
>     exact-ans := F(expr.operation.apply-exact(args))
>     approx-ans := expr.operation.apply-approx(F(args))
>     accumulate E(exact-ans, approx-ans)
> Definition recursive-rewrite(expr, target) :
> select input
> output from RULES
> where input.head = expr.operator ∧ output.head = target.head
> for (subexpr, subpattern) ∈ zip(expr.children, input.children) :
>     if ¬matches(subexpr, subpattern) :
>         recursive-rewrite(subexpr, subpattern)
> where matches(expr, input)
> expr.rewrite(input -> output)
> Definition infer-regimes(candidates, points) :
> for x i ∈ points :
>     best-split 0 [x i ] = [regime(best-candidate(−∞, x i ), −∞, x i )]
> for n ∈ N until best-split n+1 = best-split n :
>     for x i ∈ points ∪ {∞} :
>         for x j ∈ points, x j < x i :
>             extra-regime := regime(best-candidate(x j , x i ), x i , x j )
>             option[x j ] := best-split[x j ] ++ [extra-regime]
>         best-split n+1 [x i ] := lowest-error(option)
>         if best-split n [x i ].error − 1 ≤ best-split n+1 [x i ].error :
>             best-split n+1 [x i ] := best-split n [x i ]
> split:= best-split ∗ [∞]
> split.refine-by-binary-search()
> return split
> I have written a basic brute force code.
> from sympy import *
> import numpy as np
> x = Symbol("x")
> y = Symbol("y")
> z = Symbol("z")
> #points
> maxi = 1000000000000000000000000000000
> mini = -1000000000000000000000000000000
> step = (maxi-mini)/256
> start = mini
> points = []
> for i in range(0,256):
> points.append(start)
> start += step
> #calculate error
> def calc_error(expr,point):
> from mpmath import mp, mpf
> mp.dps = 1000
> symb = expr.atoms(Symbol)
> unq_sym = len(symb)
> subst_sym = []
> subst_mpf = []
> i=0
> for sym in symb:
> subst_sym.append((x,point))
> #subst_sym.append((x,300))
> #subst_sym.append((z,400))
> subst_mpf.append( ( sym,mpf(point) ) )
> i = i+1
> ans1 = expr.subs(subst_sym)
> ans2 = expr.subs(subst_mpf)
> return ans1,ans2
> #replacement functions
> #database
> rule = []
> rule.append(lambda exp: (exp.args[0]**3 + exp.args[1]**3)/(exp.args[0]**2 + 
> exp.args[1]**2 - exp.args[1]*exp.args[0]) if type(exp) ==Add and 
> len(exp.args)==2 and (type(exp.args[0]) != Symbol and type(exp.args[1]) != 
> Symbol) else False)
> rule.append(lambda exp: (exp.args[0]**2 - 
> exp.args[1]**2)/(exp.args[0]-exp.args[1]) if type(exp) ==Add and 
> len(exp.args)==2 and (type(exp.args[0]) != Symbol and type(exp.args[1]) != 
> Symbol)else False)
> #rule.append(lambda expr: exp(log(expr)))
> #rule1 = lambdify([x, y, (x**2 - y**2)/(x+y))
> expr = (x+1)**0.5 - x**0.5
> #expr = x+1-x #+ (1/(x-1)) - (2/x)
> #expr = (-y + (-4*x*z + y**2)**0.5)/(2*x)
> #expr = (x+1)**(1/3) - x**(1/3)
> #expr = (x+1)**0.25 - x**0.25
> expr = simplify(expr)
> main_expr = expr
> temp_expr = expr
> pprint(rule[0](expr))
> print(rule[1](expr))
> all_func = []
> mapper = dict()
> def pre(expr):
> for fi in rule:
> print("see ",expr)
> for pnt in points:
> for fi in rule:
> k = fi(expr)
> if k!=False:
> ans1, ans2 = calc_error(expr, pnt)
> update_func = main_expr.subs(expr, k)
> ans3, ans4 = calc_error(update_func, pnt)
> diff1 = ans2 - ans1
> diff2 = ans4 - ans3
> #print("istrue ", ans4==ans2)
> #print("check1 ", ans4)
> #print("check2 ", ans2)
> #print("difference ", diff1, " ", diff2)
> try:
> if abs(diff2) <= abs(diff1): #(diff2) <= (diff1)
> all_func.append(update_func)
> print("inn ", pnt)
> try:
> lister = mapper[update_func]
> lister.append(pnt)
> mapper[update_func] = lister
> except:
> mapper[update_func] = [pnt]
> except:
> print("failed ",pnt)
> #print(abs(diff1), " ", abs(diff2))
> #gprint(isinstance(diff2, complex))
> #print(update_func)
> #exit()
> #all_func.append(simplify(main_expr.subs(expr,k)))
> print(expr, " space ",)
> for arg in expr.args:
> pre(arg)
> if len(all_func)==0:
> all_func.append(simplify(main_expr))
> pre(expr)
> #print(srepr(expr))
> #pprint(set(all_func))
> #print("mapper")
> #print(mapper)
> values = list(set(all_func))
> i=0
> for expr in values:
> values[i] = expr.replace( lambda expr: type(expr)== Pow and expr.args[1]==1, 
> lambda expr: Mul(expr.args[0],1))
> i = i+1
> pprint(values)Enter code here...
> Output:
>         1.5             1.5
>     - x    +  (x + 1)                                       1                 
>                  0.5            0.5
>  ──────────────          ,        ──────────       ,         - x    + (x + 1)
>    0.5         0.5                                     0.5            0.5
>  x   ⋅ (x + 1)    + 2⋅x + 1                     x    + (x + 1)
> please tell me your thoughts on this, any addition, deletion of algorithmic 
> improvement.
> --
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