Dear Mentors, 

I'm a second year undergraduate student at the federal institute of bahia 
(IFBA), in Brazil. 

As I used to have interest in programming, with the initial contact in my 
first graduation (Electrical Engineering), to develop personal and 
college's projects ( C, and some assembly), with the wish to integrate 
programming with hardware (IoT, Ai, automation) and with the influence of 
my older brother (computer engineer), I studied Python in a boot-camp 
course, and developed only a tic tac toc game.

Until my first graduation and after that, I used to teach math and physics 
to high school students, what kept me studying basic and advanced math.

After graduate, keeping the classes, I made some engineering projects, and 
came back to college to get the background knowledge to develop cloud 
computing with hardware integration.

I'm just testing Sympy and discovering the ways I want to work with it, but 
in a brief look, the Physics projects, math's probability and series 
expansions projects and the high priority, speed and performance, projects 
called my attention.

As I'm Brazilian (UTC -3:00), my native language is Portuguese.

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