On Mon, 31 Jan 2022 at 20:53, Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 2:16 AM Oscar Gustafsson
> <oscar.gustafs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Dear all,
> >
> > two issues that I've been thinking about that are maybe related.
> >
> > 1. It seems like the maintenance of mpmath is a bit on hold. I seem to 
> > recall that it has been discussed for SymPy to take over the maintenance of 
> > it. Is this correct? Is now the time? (I assume that maybe we do not have 
> > the competence to actually develop it further, but more sorting out the few 
> > bugs that emerge etc.)

Taking over maintenance of mpmath has been discussed and it is agreed
to do that. It just needs someone with the bandwidth to figure out
exactly how transferring a repo works. Ideally we preserve all issues
and other things in the migration.

> > 2. It has been discussed adding matchplay as a dependency. Related to that: 
> > would it make sense to move the rubi code out to its own repository? The 
> > code seems highly useful if/when it works and this can maybe spark some 
> > interest in it (or at least reduce the size of SymPy...). Then, matchpy can 
> > easily be made a dependency there. (And possibly for the remaining sympy as 
> > well, as it is sort of independent, but definitely the largest direct 
> > benefit is currently with rubi.)
> >
> > Both these require that "someone" (at least Aaron I assume) creates repos 
> > and are willing to assist in setting up deployment chains etc. I may 
> > personally not be willing to take on a larger role for any of these repos, 
> > but can definitely be part of them and assist in moving rubi.
> I'm in favor of moving RUBI out. IMO it should have been developed
> that way in the first place. We should move it back in once it is in a
> functioning state, but right now it mostly doesn't work and just adds
> unnecessary bloat to the library.

I'm also in favour of moving RUBI out. More importantly than bloat I
think it reflects badly on SymPy in general if the main project ships
with things that don't work yet.

I would like it to be developed but it isn't being developed currently
and I don't think having it in the sympy codebase helps it to get
developed. If it was clearly outside then maybe even someone would
fork it and work on it independently more easily.


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