On Tue, 18 Jul 2023 at 05:23, Aaron Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But note that this is not a trivial thing to do, which is why it
> hasn't happened yet. It's not as simple as just renaming the branch.
> We also have to fix all the references to "master" everywhere,
> including making sure that all our automation and release scripts
> still work.

Flipping the name in Github is trivial I think. It is probably not
difficult for someone experienced to fix up the workflow tooling and
docs but there is a nonzero amount of work that someone would have to
do. Personally I have not cared enough about this to want to spend any
of my time doing it but I don't object to someone else doing it.

> There's also an unfortunate downside of doing this, which is that
> anyone who already has a clone of the repo and is using "git checkout
> master; git pull" will have their workflows broken when master stops
> being updated. I don't know if there's a clean way we can do anything
> about that.

This is the main reason that I have deliberately not brought this up
before. It is not just a case of one person making changes in GitHub
because it breaks every contributor's local clones. Our contributors
waste enough time with git problems and this is adding a new one that
many of them will need help with. The bulk of the work involved in
doing this is probably coaching contributors on how to fix these
problems. The exact way to fix it depends on how your local clone is
set up as well as how you use git (I am not sure how many contributors
actually use git from the command line now that various editors can do
it for you).


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