On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 6:22 AM Oscar Benjamin
<oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been wondering for a long time now when someone would bring this up.
> Having watched this discussion play out in cpython I definitely do not
> want to import that kind of furious debate to the SymPy mailing list
> but I will just say that the use of the word master in this context is
> not really "agreed" to be politically offensive: there is definitely
> not a consensus on this.

I'm also not interested in having the political discussion here. The
politics are basically irrelevant at this point anyway because
everyone else is already moving to main, and it's the default for all
new repos on GitHub. So it's really just a question of what needs to
be done for us to do that too.

On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 6:35 AM Oscar Benjamin
<oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is the main reason that I have deliberately not brought this up
> before.

It's also why I never brought it up. We could do something like create
a master branch that automatically synchronizes with main. That would
help people who pull master and never realized we switched to main.
But it would also confuse a lot of people. I'm also not completely
sure how to set something like that up.

We could also push a commit to master that does something like

# in sympy/__init__.py
raise ImportError("The SymPy development branch has been renamed from
'master' to 'main'. It looks like you have been pulling commits from
the 'master' branch, but you need to start pulling commits from the
'main' branch instead. See https:... for more details")

But again, the fact that 'master' would still be there alongside main
could itself still confuse people.

I myself have been caught before by a project switching to main and
not realizing that my pull on an old clone wasn't actually doing
anything. I know enough about git and the master/main switch to
quickly figure out what was going on, but a person who is less
experienced would have taken longer to. So if there is a simple way to
do something about this, we should try to.

Another thing of interest is the symbolic-ref git command, which lets
you alias one branch name to another. So something like 'git
symbolic-ref refs/heads/master refs/heads/main' would make 'master' be
an alias to 'main' (or the reverse if you switch the arguments).
That's useful if you find some repos using master and others using
main to be confusing.

Aaron Meurer

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