On Sat, 2012-07-07 at 16:24 +1200, Jane Atkinson wrote:
> I've tried installing syncevolution from the unstable repo (@webdav
> config only) in a fairly basic Ubuntu 12.04 Openbox system which
> doesn't have Evolution on it. The result seems to be a sync that does
> nothing, but doesn't fail with any obvious error message in the
> terminal either.

Did you configure a direct sync between phone and WebDAV server, as on
your other machines?

Can you quote the output? What kind of changes did you expect to get

> So, do we still need to have the Evolution backend packages in order
> to run syncevolution, even if we aren't using Evolution itself?
> If so, the dependency listing in the .deb file needs to be updated so
> that these are automatically installed if they aren't already there.

No, the bundle should work fine without any Evolution libs installed.

You bring up an interesting point, though (but not one of interest to
you): the syncevolution-evolution meta package doesn't depend on any
libecal and libebook version at the moment, because it is built to work
with a variety of them (for example, libebook-1.2-x for x up to 13). I
should add those dependencies and add a conflict with the upcoming
libebook/ecal from EDS 3.6, because it won't be compatible with that.

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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