Hi Paul
> I'd like to publish something like this article on LWN, please check
> it over and let me know if anything else needs to be added:
I guess this announcement is intended mainly for people who are already 
well familiar with
open-source?  I suggest a couple of changes below, largely relating to 
English usage and
> Synfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based 2D animation
> software package, designed from the ground-up for producing
> feature-film quality animation. It was initially a proprietary app
"application" (or "software package")
> produced by Voria Studios for internal use and when the company closed
> down, Synfig was GPLed 
"Synfig was released to the free software community for development 
under the GNU Public Licence."
> and development turned over to the free
> software community.
> http://www.synfig.com/
> http://www.synfig.com/overview/
> Synfig version 0.61.06 was released on June 24th 2007. 
I'm not sure what the Synfig version release naming scheme is, but for a 
major release announcement,
perhaps it would be good to round the version number up to 0.62.00

> It is the
> result of more than a year of contributions by the free software
> community. It has much fewer bugs, 
"far fewer"
> several usability enhancements, a
> set of new Tango-styled icons and other improvements. 
Tango-styled icons ? (sorry never heard of it - perhaps I wasn't paying 
> Some examples of
> what can be achieved can be found on the following sites:
> http://www.synfig.com/gallery/
> http://wiki.synfig.com/Gallery
> http://youtube.com/results?search_query=synfig
> http://www.videoplayer.es/tag/synfig/
> As usual, synfig needs your help. 
What is the convention? Should you use a capital letter for "Synfig" the 
Oh... the web site has a capital S.
> If you know GTKmm and or C++, are an
> artist or writer, can document things, are willing to learn or are
> otherwise interested in helping with synfig, 
> please join the mailing
> lists and IRC channel and start helping out.
> There will be an IRC and gobby meeting for artists, developers and all
> other interested persons on July XXth.
", visit [url] for details."

Thanks for your work on Synfig Paul, I've been on the mailing list for a 
long time, but
haven't even had a change to install the latest version.
I'm a New Zealander, so sometimes American English looks strange to me.
If meeting times are in GMT that would help too.

Greg Ford.

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