On Tue, 2007-06-26 at 06:16 +1200, Greg Ford wrote:

> I guess this announcement is intended mainly for people who are already
> well familiar with open-source?


> I suggest a couple of changes below

Added to the draft.

> I'm not sure what the Synfig version release naming scheme is, but for a major
> release announcement, perhaps it would be good to round the version number
> up to 0.62.00

We don't really have one yet. I've added that to the agenda:


> Tango-styled icons ?


> What is the convention? Should you use a capital letter for "Synfig" the
> project? Oh... the web site has a capital S.

Yep, fixed.

> ", visit [url] for details."

Added the wiki page for the meeting.

> Thanks for your work on Synfig Paul, I've been on the mailing list for a
> long time, but haven't even had a change to install the latest version.

Thanks for the review :)

> I'm a New Zealander, so sometimes American English looks strange to me.
> If meeting times are in GMT that would help too.

I'm Australian, maybe that describes why the language looks strange ;)
Meeting times will definitely be in GMT/UTC.



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