Am 21.12.2015 um 15:08 schrieb Jóhann B. Guðmundsson:
On 12/21/2015 01:30 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
ExecStart=/path/to/daemon FOO would cut you from distro-changes in
other params and explained abvoe sooner or later lead in failing and
could even be security relevant depending on new options or removed
options in the distro-unit

You do realize you have the exact same chances with an environment entry
line do you not?

similar, but no *the same*

overwrite "ExecStart" would also break services which changed from "simple" to "forking" or the other direction

The options being used there could be deprecated in the daemon startup
and for those daemon/services that are capable of reading their own
configuration files  ( and thus those environment lines are not
applicable to )  are never changed on updates..

yes they *could*

When an administrators makes a change to an configuration ( or in this
case type unit ) he is stating that he's deviating from the
distributions shipped defaults for that components and since there is no
reliable way for a system to detect and determine manual changes in
configuration, there is always the risk that an update will break
running system ( the administrators made changes ) which is why the
configuration files for a running daemon/service are saved as copy's and
the administrator who has made the deviation is expected to review and
apply those changes himself

and since you say this what is your business for taking "EnvironmentFile" away from administrators area - my config, take your hands from it instead propose to break it - nobody cares if you would something do in a different way as long you are not trying to force others change their setups for no good reason

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