On 12/21/2015 04:02 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:
2015-12-21 17:00 GMT+01:00 Jóhann B. Guðmundsson <johan...@gmail.com>:
No what's obvious is it does not add any value not et all
Well, I can reiterate the points, but I suggest you just read this thread again.

and not all
daemons and service support additional environmental options added to them
et all so adding an empty environmental line just for the sake of adding it
makes even less sense,
Obviously, if a daemon doesn't support command line (or env) args, you
would not add a $OPTS.

It's an added work to add the environmental line to begin with and it's an equal amount of work for administrators to change the environmental line or the Exec= line(s) so the benefit is none
( note that I'm referring to systemd being the only initsystem ).

With environmental files administrators will have to keep tabs on two files ( the unit file along with the associated environmental file ) as well as their location ( due to distributions locating those files on different places ) and upstream would have to support multiple distribution specific unit as a results of that or downstream packagers carry an additional patch which adds their distribution location to the upstream unit file.

In a distribution that does or has to support multiple init systems things look quite differently because there the component has to be cross compatible with all the shipped/supported init system so you have basically no other option but to include an environmental file reference in the unit as well as specifying it in any other init system startup script and have administrators make their changes there so those changes can be retained ( on updates/upgrades ) regardless of which init system is or was in use.

In Fedora the plan was to obsolete them altogether since those lines and files did not add any benefits since systemd got introduced and implemented as the only init system ( this became very clear in in F15 ) .

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