In a message dated 8/22/00 1:55:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< My quick top 10 for NCAA XC this season.
 1.  Arkansas - sure they lose a lot of dogs up front, but this is Arkansas.  
 Lots of dogs in the waiting.
 2.  Stanford - if they recover from the Olympics...
 3.  Michigan - always a tough team, hope they can pull it all together in 
 the big dance
 4.  Colorado - Torres squared should be ready for fine sophomore seasons.  
 Festa transfer?
 5.  Iona - my darkhorse.  Returns one All-American and two more in the 
 6.  Wisconsin - Coach Schumacher has a nice squad coming back.  Festa?
 7.  Oregon - rumors are abound about transfers.  Need I say - Festa?
 8.  Georgetown - Even higher if Franklyn Sanchez is eligible.  Mike Smith 
 from JMU is another solid pickup.
 9.  Providence - Keith Kelly is my darkhorse winner.  Deep from 1-5.  Need 
 to stay injury-free.
 10. Princeton - Paul Morrison is another contender for the individual title. 
   Solid pack running is their strength.
 10 others worth noting - NC State, Villanova, Dartmouth, BYU, The Arizona 
 Triumverate (U of A, ASU (Festa?), Northern A), Notre Dame (Shay redshirt?), 
 Duke, Alabama (Kimani)
Isaiah Festa is running at Wisconsin...not 100% sure but that is the latest.


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