The whining that goes on about cross country is ridiculous. Listen,
collegiate cross country discussions and results are easily just as
important as talk concerning collegiate sprinting, which we see all the
time on this list. What's more, it's ten times better than the endless
junk we have to read about drug busts and other bureaucratic track crap.
I'm excited about the Olympics as much as anyone else, but there's no need
to start this anti-cross country crusade against a part of the sport that
so many of us enjoy.

T. Howell

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, R.T. wrote:

> At least the sprint lovers talk about Michael Johnson
> and Maurice Greene and Merlene Ottey and Privalova and
> Perec and so on.
> NOT what Freddie Sprinter is doing setting 10.6 school
> records at Podunk College.
> Hint:
> You'll get the RESPECT of sprint and field event
> enthusiasts if you'd just keep the XC discussion at the
> same level.  People like Tergat.  Geb.  Meb.  Kennedy.  Baumann.
> It's winter in the southern hemisphere.  Are the
> Aussie and NZ national XC championships soon?  Who
> will they be sending to the Worlds (which unfortunately
> isn't until March) ?  Do they have any great hopes of
> resurrecting their nations as distance running powers like
> they had in the 50s and 60s?  What about that Clarke girl?
> RT

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