<What is one of the biggest image problems of hte sport today for

Mr John Q Public ?? The idea that everyone in the sport is using drugs ..>

I'm not really sure that John Q Public cares all that much about drug use in sports. 
Seems to be a media focal point and gets this list riled up but the general public 
just wants to see the competition. 

Folks who are major football fans are well aware that the behemoths that form their 
favorite teams' Offensive and Defensive lines are using or have used some sort of 
pharmeceutical aid to get that way. They really don't care all that much if at all. I 
had a conversation over the weekend with a person who is a big Tennis fan. The subject 
of drugs in that sport came up and he acknowledged that some of the stars are probably 
 dirty. Didn't seem to bother him one bit. While speaking about the upcoming Olympics 
he did say that the coverage of them was going to suck because he would already know 
who the world's fastest human was and would not watch an event which he knew who the 
winner was. Not a good omen for the boys and girls at NBC.

Steve S. 

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