Well, you hit the nail right on the head.

What you are really saying, and it probably popped out subconsciously, is 
...... get more white guys winning races again, and the sport might regain 
its popularity.

A hideous statement, but one that I am sure is much discussed in the 
corridors of power in this demographics driven age.

And this is really the hidden issue affecting the sports' popularity that 
no-one wants to acknowledge in public.

Tony Craddock

At 05:29 PM 8/30/00 +0100, northam wrote:
> >>  Why not !! What is one of the biggest image problems of hte sport today
> >for
> >>  Mr John Q Public ??
>Why are those of us that love track and field so worried about Joe
>Public? If the vast majority don't like our sport, so what?
>I know it's nice that other people like something you like, but for Joe
>Public to like track and field it seems the sport must be dumbed down.
>New world records, different distances, no long distance races in
>televised meets.
>Perhaps if the sport was more popular it would get more TV coverage, but
>IMHO that would mean more of those horrible profile spots, more people
>spouting off without knowing what they are talking about.
>If the sport becomes more popular let it be on its own terms. As long as
>people want to run, throw and Jump - and even walk - there will always be
>track and field. If the great unwashed don't like it, I don't care.
>Sports popularity always goes in cycles. Even football (the proper kind)
>suffered a few years ago in the Uk. Attendances were down and the sport
>had a thuggish appeal. Now it's hugely popular and hugely fashionable. If
>we get another Coe, Ovett and Cram along at the same time no doubt track
>and field will become popular again.
>Randall Northam

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