...don't get me wrong...I am not saying they should run marathon
exclusively...au contraire Pierre...10,000 meters fitness is "the
foundation"...they should continue to train and race as 5/10/xc guys 80% of
the year in order to maintain their wheels...guys who run marathon marathon
marathon get slow and achy...one final note...an observation that I've made
time and again...most guys who move up from 10 to the marathon end up
running their best marathon time in their 2nd or 3rd race at the distance
and then its downhill from there


----- Original Message -----
From: P.F.Talbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: mike fanelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: MEB and ABDI IN SYDNEY

> On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, mike fanelli wrote:
> > Its guys like these that the US needs to have move up to the marathon
> > immediately...rather than wait for the downside of their
careers...London or
> > Rotterdam 2001?
> Or maybe just add it to their repetoire?  Remember that Frank Shorter
> finished 5th in the 1972 OG 10,000 (in an AR) before going on to win the
> marathon. Shorter always said that he was essentially a track athlete who
> added long runs in to be able to race the marathon.
> Paul
> *******************************
> Paul Talbot
> Department of Geography/
> Institute of Behavioral Science
> University of Colorado, Boulder
> Boulder CO 80309-0260
> (303) 492-3248

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