Darrell pleads:

>Standing is a sign of interest and excitement, do not kill that.

Too late.  It's mostly already killed, particularly for the Olympic Trials.  
Because there the Fun-Not-Allowed crowd somehow managed to arrange to have 
the actual Sacramento police enforce their aribtrary and highly-restrictive 
notions of proper spectator etiquette.

Imagine that at a baseball game: a certain group spectators with the 
mentality of a bunch of fussy little old ladies somehow gets the city cops 
to force all baseball fans to sit glued to their seats, even when the 
pitcher is facing a tough jam with the game on the line, even when a homerun 
ball is sailing for the fence.   For a fun sport like baseball the concept 
is laughable.  But in track it has somehow become the norm.  It has even 
taken on a patina of virtue.  Incredible.

Kurt Bray
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