Phalford wrote:

> My friends and I have had a long standing discussion on
> "Why do athletes run around the track in an anti-clockwise direction"?
> I've never seen them run clockwise (north or south hemisphere)

I can't recall the best explanation I've heard, but I'm glad we do run
counter-clockwise, as my right leg is slightly longer than my left.
I've tried running intervals clockwise once or twice and found it quite
difficult, although I don't know how much of that is due to the leg
length difference and how much is simply lack of practice.


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        Jason Blank                            Hopkins Marine Station
Enloe HS '92, Duke '96, Stanford ??              Oceanview Boulevard
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Pacific Grove, CA 93950

    "It was good mud." -- Paula Radcliffe (World X-Country Champ)

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