Mike Contopoulos says:
<< There is not one solid reason why getting your son out there running at
early age is any worse than having him play any other sport at an early age.

 Because distance running IS NOT any other sport.  Last time I checked it
was more stressful than golf and baseball, the examples you gave.

And yes, kiddies "play" tennis at age 6, the classes I watch look like
romper room on a big, green court.  It DOES NOT resemble the tough training
and practice required when they are more physically ready, and much older
than 6.

Look over the lists of American men and women who actually made it to
World-class in the Steeple/5k/10k ... XC or marathon.  You will find a lot
of guys who WERE NOT EVEN HS STUDS.  You will not find many age-group
prodigies.  I can think of only TWO age-group stars who made it that far ...
and they both were women who ran the 800m in HS.

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