Putting all personal feelings aside regarding Dicky
Boy, I must admit that right now he is kicking the
USATF's butt in the public perception battle. His PR
strategy has been spot on. With the international
sporting world and the US public focused on the Salt
Lake City Winter Olympics, Pound has arrived in the US
with a bad-ass new sheriff in town attitude as the
chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Then using a very public forum in front of the world
media at a press conference last week, he states his
case against the USATF. Then to back it up that he's
serious about stopping drug doping, he lands a spot on
the Today Show. Classic PR.

And all during this time what has the USATF done to
counter Pound's accusations? Nothing, absolutely
nothing! The USATF has not made any statement and
Masback has been quiet on the whole matter. Do you
call this USATF crisis communications plan an
effective PR strategy? I don't. The general public
usually perceives silence as guilt and perception
oftentimes mirrors reality.

This is a very bad thing. Track and field in the US
needs all the help it can get, and with one fell swoop
Pound has knocked the legs out from under it while the
USATF sits idly by.

The USATF has to take a more aggressive approach on
this matter. They need to get out there and explain
the whole process clearly in laymen's terms because
judging from this board, even people involved in the
sport are not too sure what is involved. Stop hiding
behind the rhetoric and finger-pointing and work with
the USADA to educate the public.

10k runner Weldon Johnson of Letsrun.com fame wrote a
great account of his first out-of-competition test.
This is really good stuff that the USATF and USADA can
leverage. Show the public what it takes to track down
and test athletes out-of-competition. Take Katie
Couric along as well if possible. Then go through the
whole testing and review process. And from the
athlete's perspective, show what an athlete must go
through to excel on the track (i.e. training, earning
a living, picking the right supplements and
medication, etc). 

Enough of my rambling. The USATF has to get off its
butt and get the word out to a wider audience that it
is combatting the drug issue, because right now Dick
is pounding them in the very important arena of public

John Sun

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