Lots of interesting responses to this query. I, too ran on the roads, 
rather than the sidewalk, whenever practicable - and, yes, facing traffic. 
Softer, much easier to keep a rhythm, fewer intrusions of people, bikes, etc 
- all the rasons others have cited.
   But let me URGE those of you who run real miles: Run on dirt, grass - 
ANYTHING BUT PAVEMENT!  Asphalt is still very hard. I ran on pavement for 
roughly 45 years (age 14-58), the last 36 of them in Miami where there is 
little besides pavement. I thought I would run forever - into the grave - 
just slower. Nope. Osteoarthritis, clearlly from all that pounding. Simple 
choice: stop running or have a hip replacement. No one is going  to cut me 
open and saw off a chunk of my femur, etc. My two closest running friends, 
also pretty high mileage guys - anywhere from 75-125 for years - are 
crippled up by arthritic knees, and they were still in their mid--late 40s 
when halted. If you love running as much as I did - as we did - please heed 
my urging. It CAN happen to you.

>From: Dave Cahill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Dave Cahill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: t-and-f: Why on the street?
>Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 18:16:13 -0700 (PDT)
>I have to ask all you road runners out there something
>that has been bothering me for way too long.  Every
>time I see what looks to me like a recreational runner
>running, they are always on the street, even when a
>perfectly good sidewalk is available right next to
>them?  All of the serious runners I know and have
>asked, tell me that they run on the sidewalk when they
>can.  It just seems like common knowledge to not run
>on the street if you don't have to.  (Sometimes I know
>there is not much of an option, but I am talking about
>when there is one.) It is obviously very dangerous and
>there have been multiple times I have had to swerve my
>car to avoid some jogger running in the street at
>night.  I see it so many times that I really wonder if
>they are being told to do so by some running book or
>magazine.  Has anyone seen anything published anywhere
>telling people to run in the street?  Is there any
>logical reason?  Like running up and down curbs is
>dangerous or unhealthy for some reason?  Like they
>think they have the same road rights as cyclists?  Are
>they just too lazy?  I just don't get it.  Does this
>bother anyone else or is it just me?  I am very
>curious at to what you all think.
>Dave Cahill
>Greater Boston Track Club
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