Kevin and the IAAF might both be a little surprised that he dropped cross from
his schedule. Must have been an impostor at worlds last year.

Dan Kaplan wrote:

> It seems to me that the runners who drop XC from their schedule after
> college do better, not worse.  Two notable examples that come to mind are
> Kevin Sullivan and Bernard Lagat.  Both of them saw their careers blossom
> almost immediately upon being done with XC (Lagat had a season of
> eligibility left, as I recall).
> My opinion is that it isn't the HS/college system that holds runners back,
> rather the emphasis on 2-3 seasons (plus summer racing for the standouts)
> per year.  Makes it tough to step up to the next level, as I'm sure Webb
> would agree after this past year.
> Dan
> --- Tim Willis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Everyone:
> >
> > I have long felt that one component that is lacking in a lot of post
> > college runners routines is cross-country training/racing.  An athlete
> > spends 4-5 years of solid cross seasons every fall and then when they
> > leave college they never return to cross from a training or racing
> > standpoint.  From my own experience, there are definite strength and
> > aerobic elements gained in cross that cannot be made up by other
> > standard
> > training and racing.  I know a lot of our top runners have continued in
> > cross but the vast majority leave cross right out of college.
> >
> > I am just curious if cross or the lack of is a factor?
> >
> > Tim Willis
> > (770) 939-7669
> >
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