I shouldn't be speaking for Kevin here because I think he is still onlist(I
think he is having a posting problem) but I think he is a believer in fall
cross work as a key ingredient to an all round program. I don't think he raced
last fall but I'm pretty sure he trained with the Michigan guys after he
finished what was a very late season(GW games and a Japan race post 9/11). Not
sure what the point is about his productivity but the problem with this season
was a late diagnosed injury which was discussed earlier onlist. Now Kevin
could be the exception but think about guys like Billy and Lopes and how well
they were running cross when they were at their peak.

Dan Kaplan wrote:

> I stand corrected.  Let me rephrase that:  After XC was de-emphasized from
> their schedule...  Regina Jacobs has run one XC race that I know of each
> of the past two years, but I don't think many would consider that a season
> she is focusing on.  Just guessing, but Sullivan would probably be in the
> same category.
> Besides, isn't this his least productive year since finishing college?
> Dan
> --- "Martin J. Dixon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Kevin and the IAAF might both be a little surprised that he dropped
> > cross from his schedule. Must have been an impostor at worlds last year.
> > http://www.iaaf.org/wxc01/results/data/M/XC/Rf.html
> > Regards,
> > Martin
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