High Hurdles - knocking them all down (not something you would have wanted
to try with 1930's style hurdles)


                      "FJ LEE"                                                         
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
                      t>                           cc:                                 
                      Sent by:                     Subject: Re:   t-and-f: Shot 
putters article                                            
                      11/07/02 12:35 PM                                                
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "FJ LEE"                                                         

> It isn't so surprising in view of the fact that there have been two
> major changes in shot technique during that period.

What other technical advancements have there been over the last 100

Sprints: use of blocks, speakers (gun) behind blocks
Shot: spin technique
Long Jump: hitch kick vs. sail/hang
Steeplechase: hurdling the water jump (YIKES!)
Pole Vault: pole composition
High jump: Flop vs. straddle

Backward advancements:
javelin:  shorter implement, different COG

It would be nice if someone would plot the WRs over time, with the
respective innovations.


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