
        What makes the Anderson column incident so bad is that we live in an
age aof one-newspaper towns which makes it incumbent upon those surviving
journals to present as wide a possible range of opinion as possible on
controversies of this kind.

        It alsoi bothers me that there has been no "investigative
journalism" on the nature of the organization which is leading the attack
upon Augusta. The beam in their eye, in my experience as a journalist, makes
the mote in Auguta's pale by comparison.

        My wife happens to belong to one of the consituent members of this
organization. Her group was "taken over" by radical feminism with absolutely
no consultation of the hundreds of local groups spread around the country.
It just happened. And this is typical of the other major members of the
group which is now being hailed as a "civil rights": leader.

        We have a similar golf club here in NJ, but one that is not in the
spotlight because it does not sponsor a major tournament. It wll be
interesting to see if it becomes the next target anyway.

                                                            Ed Grant

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