malmo wrote:

> Let's see if I got this straight: wealthy, insular white women, who live
> in segregated buildings, eat at segregated restaurants, send their kids
> to segregated schools, belong to segregated clubs and attend segregated
> social events, are protesting Augusta's men-only policy so that OTHER
> wealthy, insular white women, who ... live/eat/send/belong/attend...can
> join a country club that is open for only two months out of the year? Do
> I understand correctly?
> Hmmmm... What would these women do if they had any real issues in theirs
> a broken nail, or split ends or something?
> malmo

And this has *what* to do with track and field?

Jennifer Peters, leaving the rest of it alone with a *great* deal of

Pacem en teris, mir, shanti, salaam, hey wah

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