As a professional media critic, I could expound for hours on this subject. But I won't, because this is the TRACK AND FIELD newsgroup. We're getting a little off-topic here, aren't we? If anyone wants the URL of the archive of my old media columns, I'll be happy to give it, but otherwise, maybe we could try to actually mention track in our posts?


What bothers me is that almost all media outlets are owned by just a handful of corporations, such as News Corp (Fox), Sony, AOL-Time Warner, Disney, etc. Check this out for more:

What kind of objective reporting do you think they're doing when the bottom line of all their other holdings are at stake?

No wonder some want to cut funding to public broadcasting, which itself is increasingly dependent upon corporate money to survive.

Lee Nichols
Assistant News Editor
The Austin Chronicle
512/454-5766, ext. 138
fax 512/458-6910

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