Doesn't work like that, sadly. Individual writers rarely increase circulation by much. Trust me, I know. My magazine, Athletics Today, had the best writers on the sport in the UK (OK so we also had a column by Linford Christie, maybe that cancelled it out) but couldn't overtake Athletics Weekly's circulation.
My advice to Garry Hill (which I am sure he doesn't need) is to give Malmo one 500 word piece and watch the deafening silence.
Randall Northam

On Thursday, Feb 13, 2003, at 15:54 Europe/London, Keith Whitman wrote:

Give the fans what we really want-a monthly column by Malmo. With all due respect to the author of the editors column, I would venture a guess that it would increase circulation exponentially.

I can see it now. People lined up at their mailboxes screaming Mal-mo, Mal-mo, Mal-mo.

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