OK, 50 it is. What a win-win situation: you don't have to wax sciolistic and
we only have to pay you a tenth the price!

> From: "malmo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 15:00:27 -0500
> To: "'ghill'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'track list'"
> Subject: RE: t-and-f: can I come back now? It depends...what do youthinkof
> Milli Vanilli?
> I can't write. Besides I've never been much into verbiage. Pith is
> grand. If you can say it in 50 words, then why waste 450 more on a
> sciolistic smokescreen?
> malmo
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of ghill
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:16 AM
> To: track list
> Subject: Re: t-and-f: can I come back now? It depends...what do
> youthinkof Milli Vanilli?
>> From: "malmo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 21:23:15 -0500
>> To: "'ghill'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'track list'"
>> Subject: RE: t-and-f: can I come back now? It depends...what do you
>> thinkof Milli Vanilli?
>> One of the cornerstones of the liberal mind: issues are only issues if
>> they are YOUR issues. Perhaps you believe that it's a "discussion"
>> only if you are comfortable with the subject and you call it "yelling"
>> if you are not?
>> I believe there are more, rather than fewer, of us who'd like to see
>> some backbone from the "Bible of the Sport". It's your slogan, not
>> ours.
>> malmo-Two-ms: Stentorian? NOT!
> OK, Caped Crusader, here's your chance to make a difference.
> Instead of wasting your words on the choir here, create some new gospel
> where you apparently think it's truly needed.
> Pen a screed of some 500 words of what you think T&FN should have been
> saying all these years and--so long as it doesn't run the risk of
> involving us in a lawsuit--we'll print it in toto.
> Sha-zam!
> gh

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