My recollection was that Paulen was Belgian, but Dutch means I
was close.
They named a big meet after him after he died, didn't they?
Where is that?  Ivo van Damme (the Van Damme meet named after
the 800m runner) is Belgian, so I guess the Paulen meet must be in
the Netherlands.

Paulen was Dutch.

Although Paulen didn't have the racist reputation of Avery Brundage (Brundage was IOC head in '72 while Paulen was IAAF head- I think Paulen moved up to take Brundage's place not too long after '72, right?, anyway- Paulen was stilled viewed as the typical amateur athletics bureucrat who was stodgy, upper crust elitist, set in his ways, and extremely stubborn.

At Munich, the head of the IAAF was The Marquis of Exiter (Lord Burghley), 400 m champ in 1932. Paulen succeeded him, I believe, and was in turn succeeded by Nebiolo.

Also, I think the first time the Germans were in the Olympics after WWII was 1964, where they fielded a joint team (a very odd pairing considering that it was the height of the cold war- "Dr. Strangelove" time). But after that they split, and had separate teams beginning in '68 (and of course in '72 as well).

Wait a minute- didn't Armin Hary compete in Rome in '60, and wasn't
he German?

Germany fielded a joint team in '60. They had separate teams in '72 and I think in '68. Not sure about '64.,


-- Wayne T. Armbrust, Ph.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Computomarx (TM) 3604 Grant Ct. Columbia MO 65203-5800 USA (573) 445-6675 (voice & FAX) http://www.Computomarx.com "Know the difference between right and wrong... Always give your best effort... Treat others the way you'd like to be treated..." - Coach Bill Sudeck (1926-2000)

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