> My recollection was that Paulen was Belgian, but Dutch means I was close.

Some Europeans would not take that one lightly in any other way than sheer
geographyl. To them, it would be saying 'my recollection was such-and-so was
Mexican, but American means I was close' (ok, Canadian is the better parallel,
but still one gets my point).

> They named a big meet after him after he died, didn't they?

Yes they did.

> Where is that?  Ivo van Damme (the Van Damme meet named after the 800m
> runner) is Belgian, so I guess the Paulen meet must be in the Netherlands.

Yes indeed. The IAAF Grand Prix currently named Fanny Blankers-Koen Games was
called Ad Paulen Memorial up until a few years ago. It was (and is still) held
in the Fanny Blankers-Koen stadium in Hengelo, The Netherlands. The next
edition is held on May 31.

I'll refrain from commenting on earlier allegations/accusations around Paulen,
because I do not have all the information nearby. But maybe later...

Regards, Wilmar Kortleever

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