âTypical ugly American, attempting to impose your ill-will on others and
 spoil the party.

 Life is not a dress rehearsal, Walt, be in it!â

  Once again you have misread someone elseâs words . It wasn't me sitting behind the 
Greek woman and I never said it was. But I keep forgetting that youâre all-knowing 
and all-witty, so it must have been my poor writing that  led you to think that I was 
the one asking the woman to sit down.

Before I turned âproâ and actualy had to work at meets, I was a fan like everyone 
else, and I was the first to jump up and cheer, especially when Manhattan College was 
a force at the NCAA Indoor meet in the early 1970s. People would cringe and hide their 
children from this raving lunatic who was out of control when the Jaspers were 
involved in a race. But that didnât mean that I couldnât be considerate of those 
around me at other times. As for the security people in Sacramento, there was a time 
when I would have been one of those led out in  handcuffs rather than put up with 
their crap.

No one loves a party more than I do, especially at the Olympics. And I may be ugly, 
but I'm anything but an "Ugly American" and I have never been accused of imposing 
"ill-will" on anyone, except by you. 

I have no desire to engage in a battle of words with you over this, since I yield to 
your superior intellect and writing ability.

I wish you well in your effort to âmalmoizeâ everyone in your image, but Iâll 
take a pass, thank you.

Walt Murphy

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