** This is the quasi-official and semi-temporary T13 email list server. **

On Mon, 21 May 2001 08:07:31 -0700, Eschmann, Michael K wrote:
>Come on Don, Please read ALL of both sides.  Hale believes that his messages
>were ignored, but if you would read more than your point of view, Dal Allan
>indicates that his messages did not come in while SFF8020 was being worked
>and voted on.  If I may quote Dal: "Once the horse is out of the barn,
>closing the door does not help".  MKE.

Do be too hard on Don. He actually has it right. Just to set the
record straight: At the time of the SFF-8020 revision 2.x development
I was not a member of SFF and I was not working for a SFF member
company. But during that time I did review most of the SFF-8020 draft
documents, probably posted messages to the SFF reflector about
problems in those documents. AND I sent private emails to the two
people listed as the editors of SFF-8020. I might even have some of
those emails on my old 386 system. As I said, I never received a
single response and none of the problems I pointed out (except the
SRST/DASP- problem) were ever fixed. And T13 is still fussing over
some of those very same problems today, some 6+ years later. 

I don't really care what the "official" record says with respect to
this because all of this happened  "outside" of meetings and prior to
the letter ballot Dal talks about. We all know that most of the work
of a committee like SFF or T13 or T10 is done outside of meetings and
all you see in the committe minutes and letter ballot comments is the
most abreviated description of what happened.

For example, look at the minutes for the last T13 meeting (April
2001). I don't disagree with the desciption of the ATAPI discussion
(item iv), and I know it would be difficult to capture everything
that was said in a two hour discussion, but the description in the
minutes is a very short summary of what happened. And I just noticed
that those minutes don't include anything about the long discussion
of ATAPI command sets that I count as part of the two hour ATAPI
discussion. So going back 6 years to the minutes of SFF meetings and
to the letter ballot comments for an SFF document is not going to
give you even the slightest clue as to what really happened.

***  Hale Landis  *** [EMAIL PROTECTED] ***
*** Niwot, CO USA ***   www.ata-atapi.com   ***

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