On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 2:42 AM, Tobias Knerr <o...@tobias-knerr.de> wrote:
> While the list of surface values is *potentially* unbounded, it is
> finite at any given time. For practical purposes, just teach that list
> of surface values on the wiki to your renderer, do a quick tagwatch
> check to find out whether there is some other really common value and
> ignore the rest.

OSMDoc currently lists 619 surface values
(http://osmdoc.com/en/tag/surface/#values) - wasn't sure how to get
this info from TagWatch. TagStat is also enlightening:


470 instances of "surface=Dirt Road". 1604 "interlock". At a quick
glance, the list of items in the wiki bears little resemblance to the
top 20 or so items in TagStat. surface=ice_road??

>You see, mappers actually want their data to be useful.

Defining standard types with clear definitions and semantics, and
cleaning up old data to conform to those specifications is a good way
to assist this.


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