On 10/20/2010 11:53 AM, John F. Eldredge wrote:
Well, additional reasons for the density of place names in some
regions, and the sparcity in other regions, are: (1) not all of the
US uses the same hierarchy of administrative units; (2) some parts of
the US are much more densely occupied than others; and (3) the
administrative units in the western US tend to be much larger than in
the eastern US.

(4) some people incorrectly use the place=* tag to reflect the government of a place rather than the population because they didn’t RTFM.

(5) Some of the OSM data is incorrect.

(6) OSM’s displayed label sizes and the level at which they’re shown are just stupidly high. (i.e. you have to zoom in ridiculously far before you can see anything.)

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