On 11/01/2011 12:20 AM, Richard Mann wrote:
I put adjacent=yes on the highway=cycleway, so the user of the
cycleway=track tag on the main road can ignore ways with adjacent=yes
on them. The user who'd prefer to use highway=cycleway ways doesn't
know that the cycleway=track is a duplicate, but routers only have to
give a slight preference for highway=cycleway over cycleway=track to
use the "right" one (and even if they use the "wrong" one, it doesn't
much matter anyway).
IMHO, this is being extremely optimistic about the powers of a router. So you're saying that a router could see the "adjacent=yes", then locate a nearby cycleway which is "adjacent" in some way, and conclude that the two refer to the same thing?

My suggestion: let's get a relation happening, asap. Something like:

* type=equivalence

* cycleway=track
* role: cycleway

Bike path:
* highway=cycleway
* role: highway

This is just brainstorming. But the idea is you'd read the above as "the cycleway tag on this road refers to the same object as the highway tag on the bike path".

The same could then apply to things like a central node for a large object:

* type=equivalence

* amenity=hospital
* role: amenity

* amenity=hospital
* role: amenity

The relation is saying that there is only one hospital, and it is defined twice.

(This example makes me think there could be a default, so you don't always have to specify the roles...but that could be messy).


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