On 17/07/2011 14:48, Zsolt Bertalan wrote:
I see. Is hiking campaign better?

Not really. Trying to co-opt English words that have other meanings doesn't really help.

You mentioned "http://www.trail-blaze.com/race-finder.asp?clear=1"; earlier; that calls the things that I think that you're talking about "trails". Most of the entries exist on the UK long-distance path page http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_United_Kingdom_Long_Distance_Paths already, which calls them "routes" and "paths" as well as "trails", so that's three English words to choose from.

Are you trying to describe something other than just the route on the ground? In the case of the Pennine Way (on the UK LDP page above), the route is run by Natural England (a quango that's funded by the government). They appear to have no connection with trail-blaze.com which just looks like a commercial website trying to make a bit of cash on the back of someone else's taxes - maybe "stamping_point:organisation" would work?

Reading http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orsz%C3%A1gos_K%C3%A9kt%C3%BAra , however, it just sounds like "trail" would be better.


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