2011/8/18 Pieren <pier...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Simone Saviolo
> <simone.savi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > surface=paved is just as precise as species=Juglans regia. It's up to the
> > consumers to adapt it to their audience. Also, I'd expect that a
> Frenchmen
> > understands that a certain road is paved without the need to call it
> > goudronné.
> > Secondarily, the Juglans regia is known in Italian as "noce da frutto",
> or
> > also as "noce bianco". Let's suppose a similar ambiguity exists in the
> > language of choice (UK English?): how would you understand that a
> thousand
> > trees marked "noce da frutto" are actually the same as the other thousand
> > marked "noce bianco"? On the other hand, Juglans regia is unique and
> > internationally acknowledged.
> > Ciao,
> > Simone
> So, you blame my examples but you agree with my suggestion to remove
> the tags translations in the wiki.

For species, yes. For tags whose values are in a finite set, yes. For
freetext tags, absolutely not.

> Pieren


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