Martin Koppenhoefer <> wrote:

> OK, following this discussion it seems clear that either nobody
> interprets the wiki literally (the elevation at a given point), or
> that the English term elevation never refers to man_made structures.
> In each of these cases the tagged value for ele would be the elevation
> of the surrounding ground. I suggest to improve the wiki.
> reads:
> Elevation (height above sea level) of a point in metres. This is
> mainly intended for mountain peaks but could also be used for
> elevation of airport runways and many other objects. For
> OpenStreetMap, please use the elevation above sea level defined by the
> World Geodetic System, revision WGS 84.
> I amended this: "In the case of buildings and other man_made
> structures use the elevation of the surrounding ground, not of the
> structure itself."
> cheers,
> Martin

If a structure is located on sloping ground, do you record the elevation of the 
highest point in contact with the structure, the lowest point, halfway between 
the highest and lowest points, or what?

John F. Eldredge --
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all." -- Hypatia of Alexandria

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