On 14/05/12 07:10, Eckhart Wörner wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Samstag, 12. Mai 2012, 18:31:26 schrieb fly:
>> The inspector shows wrong data.
>> Seems to me that the system was not updated after the last proposal changes 
>> and
>> now the tags are mixed up.
>> http://osm-tmc.infoware.de/tmc/?view=tmc&lon=7.60801&lat=47.58486&zoom=16&overlays=tmc_database,missing_tmc_links,tmc_links,tmc_points,ways_with_tmc_tags_ok,link_ways_with_too_many_ends,ways_with_tmc_tags_error,nodes_with_tmc_tags_ok,nodes_with_tmc_tags_error,connection_and_end_nodes_ok,connection_and_end_nodes_error,ways_with_tmc_tags_non_areas,ways_with_tmc_tags_areas,ways_in_rels_with_tmc_tags,tmc_areas,nodes_with_tmc_tags
>> The DE:*-* and DE:*+* need to be switch the sides of the road.
> Are you sure? In Germany we drive on the right side of the road, and that 
> side seems to match the tmc tagging used by the original proposal from 
> infoware (not my proposal though), which has everything reversed.

That is what I wrote. It should be turned around.

By the way, where do you get the data from and is it somewhere available
? With the old scheme there existed another website with the data.


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