Up to the usual standards one has come to expect from these large international organisations, I would say.

On 19/06/2012 13:20, Philip Barnes wrote:

"There is no ferry between Kingston upon Hull and Esbjerg. An alternative ferry is available from Harwich (350 km/220 mi from Kingston upon Hull) to Esbjerg".

A well thought out route?


Sent from my Nokia N9

On 19/06/2012 11:46 Colin Smale wrote:

Strictly speaking the international E-numbers are routes, not roads. The
European Route Network is overlaid on top of the national networks and
doesn't bother about international boundaries. In Belgium however it is
very common to use the E-route numbers on signs instead of any local
A-number where a motorway is part of the ERN. In this case I would say
that int_ref and ref should have the same value - ref should be used for
what's on the signs. If the motorway has an underlying A-number (purely
for administrative purposes) then this might fit in nat_ref.

In the UK, the E-numbers are not signed at all, but there are ERN routes
there. For example the E20:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_route_E20 which runs from Ireland
to Russia.


On 19/06/2012 11:06, Martin Vonwald wrote:
> The reason why I'm asking is the SS3bis/E45 in Italy:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_route_E20
> It is the first road I've seen where the ref tag contains the
> international ref and not the national ref (besides int_ref and
> nat_ref).
> Martin
> 2012/6/19 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com <mailto:dieterdre...@gmail.com>>:
>> +1,
>> I'd put the national ref in "ref" and the international ref in "int_ref".
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