2012/10/15 Philip Barnes <p...@trigpoint.me.uk>

> The law varies from country to country. In the UK, it is legal to cross
> a solid white line to turn into a side road, or driveway. You can also
> cross one to overtake a slow moving vehicle, such as a cyclist or
> tractor.
> In France, where it is illegal to cross a solid line even to enter a
> driveway. It is common to see short gaps in the solid line to allow
> traffic to turn. This would be a lot of work.

In Italy the law is similar to the French one. If turning or U-turning is
allowed at a specific spot (maybe because of a lateral road), then a break
in the solid line is painted. This is formally most correct: you can't
trespass the continuous solid line, but *in that point* the line is not

If we were to separate ways where the solid line is painted, we would have
horrible maps:
1) we would need to draw a non-existing way wherever the line is broken
(for example to allow a left turn into a lateral road);
2) we would need to keep splitting/joining/splitting again/joining again
the ways if a long road has a section with solid line followed by a section
with dashed line followed by a section with solid line and so on;
3) we would make routers incapable of understanding what kind of way
splitting is happening. What would they say? Turn right? Keep right? Why
should you tell me to keep right, the road is straight!

Sure, we must not map for the router, but we must also try not to map
AGAINST the router.


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