On 13/11/2012 17:02, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
The tagging scheme proposed there doesn't really make sense in the
contest of OSM.

"in the context of OSM" is the operative condition, that is why I pointed out that the tags I detailed were OpenSeaMap tags.

1. These are not seamarks.

"seamark:" is the OpenSeaMap prefix for any marine navigation object that appears in the IHO object catalogue. That does not cover only markers, but any object that can appear on a marine chart.

2. the tagging scheme seems unnecessarily complicated

Yes it is, but it was invented by the IHO, not us. We merely transcribed it into OSM format tags.

3. most of the objects already have a nice short tag, instead of

There are many objects that are of interest to both StreetMap and SeaMap consumers. In these cases, tags from both schemes would be used.

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