2012/12/4 Ronnie Soak <chaoschaos0...@googlemail.com>:
> Are you against changing things in general or do you like to always
> cut off old schemes completely without legacy support?
> Because the described way is about the best solution I could come up
> with that both allows change and gives the crowd enough time to adapt.
> The only thing that is missing is that the wiki changes should be
> backed up by taginfo data to support the claim.
> It even allows hardliners to keep tagging the old way indefinably.
> ('Deprecated' doesn't mean 'forbidden'.)

I somehow agree with both of you, it really depends on the case (how
intensively a tag is already used). It doesn't make any sense IMHO to
deprecate something like highway=bus_stop if 90% of all bus stops are
tagged like this (and btw. the public_transport platform version has
mostly disadvantages, needs more tags to end up with the same


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