On 04.12.2012 13:31, Pieren wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Ronnie Soak
> <chaoschaos0...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Are you against changing things in general ... ?
> Not if the intent is clearly to deprecate an existing tag. I'm against
> liars writing in the wiki that they won't change any existing tags
> until their proposal is accepted.

The intention of mentioning that a tag is not directly deprecated by a
proposal is to avoid that people's votes will be used as the reason for
deprecation. So we cannot say "people have approved conditional
restrictions, so it's already decided that maxspeed:wet is deprecated".

But it is not a guarantee that the tag will never be deprecated. It just
means that this is a _separate_ decision, i.e. we might decide to
approve the proposal, but keep using the other tag nevertheless.

However, in this case I think deprecation would be a sensible choice.
Even as the author of "Conditions for access tags", which iirc was the
first proposal to document maxspeed:wet along with other such tags in
2009, deprecation would be fine with me.


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