On 24/01/2013 10:40, François Lacombe wrote:
Ok, I agree with you about substation vs sub_station.

Consensus seems to emerge from this discussion, I would edit the wiki
like polderrunner explained.

* Deprecation (not removal) of power=station, power=substation (and all
other values), message adding at the top of keys' pages.
power=sub_station will be the only valid value. It will encourage
mappers to migrate existant power=station to power=sub_station.
* Removing all the links to the keys' pages.
* Editing all pages refering to power=station, power=substation and
eventually update to power=sub_station.
* Moving all good stuff from power=station to power=sub_station if
needed and relevant.

Finally, valid stuff will be located at :

Do everyone agree with that?

I have now marked http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:power%3Dstation as deprecated, removed 'power=station' from the "power features" template meaning it's gone from all language versions of Map Features using the template and removed links from a few feature pages.

Ole / polderrunner

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